Category: Lore
Direction of This Blog
World Anvil
Happy New Year from Halqueme!
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 162: Snakes
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 162 is up! Citizen Officiary and Colonel Teyr have opinions about the Republic’s political elite. Marshal Deguisay, meanwhile, has opinions about his job description. In other news, I’m still working on the Halcian language, and I just learned that the Marshal’s last name is apparently…
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 161: Unusual Suspects
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 161 is up! The Consul might have an interesting conversation ahead of him. No translation to Halcian this week, because I found out that Celtic languages (and therefore, presumably, Halcian) have no infinitive verb form and instead use something called verbnoun. Still wrapping my head…
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 160: Post-Mortem
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episodes 158-159: Birds and Fishes
Monthly Meditation: Tenacity and the Golden Dragon
Translation Convention Trouble — Old & Middle English
Direction of This Blog
World Anvil
Happy New Year from Halqueme!
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 162: Snakes
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 162 is up! Citizen Officiary and Colonel Teyr have opinions about the Republic’s political elite. Marshal Deguisay, meanwhile, has opinions about his job description. In other news, I’m still working on the Halcian language, and I just learned that the Marshal’s last name is apparently…
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 161: Unusual Suspects
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 161 is up! The Consul might have an interesting conversation ahead of him. No translation to Halcian this week, because I found out that Celtic languages (and therefore, presumably, Halcian) have no infinitive verb form and instead use something called verbnoun. Still wrapping my head…