Category: languages
Lore: Introduction to Bereghin Language
Kibran Alphabets
Happy New Year from Halqueme!
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 161: Unusual Suspects
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 161 is up! The Consul might have an interesting conversation ahead of him. No translation to Halcian this week, because I found out that Celtic languages (and therefore, presumably, Halcian) have no infinitive verb form and instead use something called verbnoun. Still wrapping my head…
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 160: Post-Mortem
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episodes 158-159: Birds and Fishes
Translation Convention Trouble — Old & Middle English
Starting a New Novel
On Types of Mead (110)
Lore: Introduction to Bereghin Language
Kibran Alphabets
Happy New Year from Halqueme!
At War’s Edge Webcomic Episode 161: Unusual Suspects
At War’s Edge webcomic episode 161 is up! The Consul might have an interesting conversation ahead of him. No translation to Halcian this week, because I found out that Celtic languages (and therefore, presumably, Halcian) have no infinitive verb form and instead use something called verbnoun. Still wrapping my head…