Progress Update: Location Done, Characters… Incoming

And just like that, May is almost over – time for a progress update. I might as well admit I’m doing these updates monthly at this point.

The good news is that a) the location is basically done, and b) I managed to cut down the number of characters from over 150 to a mere 58.

The bad news is that the current character count is at 29. That means I have another 29 to go. (I made a map of all the characters needed in PureRef – as you can see, there are still a lot of open slots…)

Progress update: the current state of the character map

Yes, the missing ones are mostly nameless background characters. But they are still present, so I still need to create them. And, the way this scene is going, many of them will end up in the foreground.

So… yeah. My current goal is to make two characters a day. If I manage to stick to it, this will get most characters done in two weeks. Let’s say three weeks to be on the safe side and avoid burnout. Then there will likely be a week where I try to figure out how to film the scene with all this crowd without crashing my computer. After that, I’ll need at least a couple of weeks for the actual filming.

So, the current tentative date for the webcomic to restart is around July 15th (which conveniently falls on a Monday).

Wish me luck! I feel like I’ll need it.

…Also, because the sheer number of characters is driving me slightly mad, yesterday I went ahead and updated some of the older art. Specifically, the Shelisk Citadel now looks a lot more like it should, more or less everywhere. It was missing a lot of buildings, especially in the early iterations. And people. And the lighting was too weird.

Progress update: before and after of Page 36 establishing shot
Before & After

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