Progress Update (with a Video)

Just realized it’s been a month since the last progress update, shame on me. I think it’s because while I’m working on the Feast Chamber nearly every day, the actual progress is currently very… incremental, shall we say. Adding tableware, figuring out pistol holsters, designing dagger sheaths, adjusting hair… little things that seem like fluff and perfectionism, but need doing anyway.

I’ll admit I’ve been procrastinating on the guests. Because there’s such an awful lot of them. The procrastination kinda paid off, though: I’ve resized the room yet again and it turns out there will be fewer guests than I originally thought. Yay?

I’ve also been thinking of my New Year Resolution of experimenting with video format. I really want to do a webcomic trailer, and maybe some lore semi-animations. For now, though, since I’m neck-deep in pre-production, I decided to start doing process videos.

So here’s the first one of those. A timelapse of making an armchair for the Feast Chamber, 1.5 hours in 8 minutes:

I even figured out how to do timestamps, so you can watch modelling, ornamentation, texturing, and integrating into the scene separately. 

I’m thinking it might be a bit too long. And I should have varied the compression speed between different sections of the video. The ornamentation bit in particular could use some further speeding up. But hey, that was my first try.

Timeline-wise, I was hoping to restart the webcomic and May, and… well, it might actually still happen. But if so, it’ll likely be the end of May. 

On we go. Hopefully the next progress update will appear sooner than in a month! (It totally will. I’m now itching to make more timelapse videos.)

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