2024 Art Goals

Year 2023 is basically over, so… firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone, and may 2024 be kinder to us all!

And secondly – time for a quick retrospective and 2024 art goals setting.

2023 in Review

Major things that happened in 2023:

  • “At War’s Edge” episodes 208-239 went out. That’s way fewer than I’d hoped for: there was a 5-month pause for setting up the city hall and ballroom.
  • That being said, the city hall, the ballroom, and the Gallery of Spirits with the twelve Leralath statues all got done
  • Terminology clean-up finally happened
  • The YouTube channel Stories of Uncharred got opened. With all of two shorts and zero long videos on it, but still
  • I finally gave up on Instagram
  • A lot of worldbuilding happened, mostly on history, geography, climate, and languages

I also improved my art technique in several areas. Most notably where it comes to procedural textures, page layout, and hair. Mind you, I’m still not 100% happy any of them yet, but, I mean… check out the Marshal’s hair evolution:

2024 Goals

I’m absolutely itching to go back and improve at least some of the older art. I’m also still resisting that itch, because, well, this itch has been around since at least 2020. Had I given in to it then, I’d be needing to redo the older art for the third time now.

Also, I’m not in a great place right now in terms of the ongoing story — I only have three weeks worth of buffer, and the Bereghin feast is coming up, which is almost as technically complex as the Halcian ball. I’m really hoping not to need a 5-months pause to set it up like I did for the ball in 2023. But I’m pretty much resigned to having to put the webcomic on hold for March and April. Hopefully not May, but it’s hard to tell at this point.

Still, once the Bereghin feast is set up, I’ll be done with the complex locations and characters for a while, so it should be possible to keep going with the story and start working on the older art as well. I’m especially hoping to focus on the mountain scene — it hurts my eyes so badly nowadays.

Therefore, the main goals for 2024 are:

  • Continue producing and publishing “At War’s Edge” (with a pause for production in March-April)
  • Keep learning: in particular, focus on lighting
  • In the second half of the year, start setting up the updated mountain scene location
  • Reorganize the uncharred.com website
  • Figure out how to share the lore without spoilers. There’s so much lore to share, and I’m just sitting on most of it.
  • Keep working on the Forest Novel
  • Experiment with video format


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