At War’s Edge Episode 192: On Feywood

At War’s Edge webcomic episode 192 is up! They may have agreed the dyvs are useful allies, but there are still many other things Meled and Polada don’t see eye to eye on.

At War’s Edge Episode 192: On Feywood.

You know, until Prince Meled produced this thousand-yard stare, I was pretty sure he’d never been to the Verge personally.

But now that I think about it, it makes absolute sense that he has. Polada is right in that feywood tar is vital for the realm at this point. And, since all of feywood tar is produced on Prince Meled’s land, there’s no way he hasn’t at least conducted an inspection… or ten.

So, yes. Looks like has been to the Verge. And, apparently, didn’t enjoy himself much. No wonder, those ghostly trees can be pretty unnerving.

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