At War’s Edge webcomic episode 184 is up! It’s not just the number of potential guests that Yarosvet has trouble with. And not just Yarosvet.
Also, here’s a translation – well, theoretically, the original dialogue – in Bereghin:
Speaker | Bereghin | English |
Molchan | No… možetí, proči po prostu ne pokazašen sen? | Well… maybe the rest just avoided being seen? |
Ivolga | Ne, podobití sen pravide. | No, sounds about right. |
Yarosvet | Ale šestero? | But six of them? |
Ivolga | Ovi že divove, Jariče – iji čarujontí jako dyšentí. | These are dyvs, Yarik — they work magic like they breathe. |
Ivolga | Slugy iji ne poterebujontí, venčina ihú sontí bojini volhúvi, a bondetí ače nuža – iji mogontí i Ton Storonon na poslugon poklikaty. | They need no servants, most of them are battle mages, and, at a pinch, they can call on the Other Side for aid. |
Ivolga | Četyre divove… mogontí izcela struvaty sen maly vojisky. | Four dyvs… could well be worth a small army. |
Yarosvet | Zaraza. Nadejon sen, iji ne bondontí ovo na pokaze stavity. I tako vú gorode vireva – knenzí beretí ženon vedimon… | Damn. Let’s hope they don’t make it too obvious. The town’s already in an uproar over the prince marrying a witch… |
Ivolga | Nestí ja vedima. Ja nelíudí. | She’s not a witch. She’s an otherling. |
Yarosvet | A razliky. | Same difference. |
Note that the short version of Yarosvet’s name in Bereghin is, in fact, Yarik (Jarik). The form Ivolga uses – Jariče – is just the vocative case of it.