At War’s Edge Episode 184: Quality vs Quantity

At War’s Edge webcomic episode 184 is up! It’s not just the number of potential guests that Yarosvet has trouble with. And not just Yarosvet.

Also, here’s a translation – well, theoretically, the original dialogue – in Bereghin:

Speaker Bereghin English
MolchanNo… možetí, proči po prostu ne pokazašen sen?Well… maybe the rest just avoided being seen?
IvolgaNe, podobití sen pravide.No, sounds about right.
YarosvetAle šestero?But six of them?
IvolgaOvi že divove, Jariče – iji čarujontí jako dyšentí.These are dyvs, Yarik — they work magic like they breathe.
IvolgaSlugy iji ne poterebujontí, venčina ihú sontí bojini volhúvi, a bondetí ače nuža – iji mogontí i Ton Storonon na poslugon poklikaty.They need no servants, most of them are battle mages, and, at a pinch, they can call on the Other Side for aid.
IvolgaČetyre divove… mogontí izcela struvaty sen maly vojisky.Four dyvs… could well be worth a small army.
YarosvetZaraza. Nadejon sen, iji ne bondontí ovo na pokaze stavity. I tako vú gorode vireva – knenzí beretí ženon vedimon…Damn. Let’s hope they don’t make it too obvious. The town’s already in an uproar over the prince marrying a witch…
IvolgaNestí ja vedima. Ja nelíudí.She’s not a witch. She’s an otherling.
YarosvetA razliky.Same difference.

Note that the short version of Yarosvet’s name in Bereghin is, in fact, Yarik (Jarik). The form Ivolga uses – Jariče – is just the vocative case of it.

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