Meled’s Promise (44)

Page 44 is up! They say necessity is the mother of invention. Here’s hoping Prince Meled won’t invent something he’ll regret later.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, was the final page of Chapter I. 
(I’m still not 100% sure how many chapters total there are in At War’s Edge, but right now it looks like about nine). 

I was considering taking a break from here till January, because the page in production currently is 49, and the location for Page 50 is still under construction, and such a small buffer makes me nervous.

But the location is nearly ready, and the weekly schedule is so darn slow already.

Therefore. Emergencies aside, next week I’ll be releasing, by the way of a break, the Chapter II cover and a map of the continent. And starting Monday, December 23rd it’ll be business as usual.

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